Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Graduate

Saturday was a very big day, as Cooper proudly accepted his preschool diploma and bid his nursery days goodbye. The ceremony was very short (the director has a strict 38 minute deadline), but adorable, with the 30-plus graduates singing God Bless America and Saying Goodbye (which you may remember was made famous by The Muppets back in the '80s). Parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends filled the cafetorium of St. Paul's school to near overflowing. (Well, not really. But there were an awful lot of us there to applaud our 5 year olds.)

Afterwards the kids had some playtime on the playground, and we brought home bagels and coffee for our celebration. All that by 10 a.m. Whew.

Yay, Cooper!


Peace Train said...

YEA COOPER! Great picture for Muggy to put into her Cooper Box. Another milestone for the proud parents. Good job! Did Mrs. Robinson show up?

The Muppets, the 80's, who could remember all that, what did I do yesterday is hard enough for us old folk.

Unknown said...

ah yes, now i get it ... it's called "the graduate" that is why mrs. robinson would show up! sometimes i get confused by peace train.

YAY coop. sorry i missed it. but that's how it goes when you are in wyoming!

he looks so cute in his cap & gown :)